Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week 2

"These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword. "

Double-edged sword...Since the moment I first read over the term describing the risen Lord Jesus appearing to John in chapter 1, I have been really uneasy about this term. D. Johnson does a great job diving into the term deeper and explaining the point of reference for Jesus to mention the term when speaking to Pergamum on pages 76-77, but I am having the hardest time truly understanding this term. Understand, I believe, is an inappropriate term to describe what I am experiencing, more so accept the term to describe the mouth of Jesus. That "Out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword." The one who came to earth from God the Father, was born by a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, and was crucified to save me from my sins has a double edged sword jetting out of his lips? I am still sitting and praying with this one. If anyone has an insight to share on this please, I would love different ways to help me wrap my brain around this term.

Tolerate: to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act, without prohibition or hindrance. (Thank you dictionary.com) To tolerate is the "both/and" position which was infecting the church of Thyatira. The people were compromising to the " now" or "the way things are" belief of life. (p. 91) This doesn't correspond to what Jesus taught while walking on Earth. But how many times do I tolerate "the way things are"? I don't speak up through my actions or even words to communicate the undying love and compassion my Father has for me on a personal, individual level. I allow this toleration without recognition sometimes. We even prize this in our society today. It is considered polite to show tolerance when referring to religion, politics, or moral matters.

Jesus is presented as being "passionately intolerant...because he loves the truth, he IS the truth." (p. 79)

Imagine a world full of passionately intolerant Christians roaming the streets, offices, colleges, and homes driven by the one true fact that Jesus is truth. TRUTH. A place where the "both/and" is nonexistant due to the fearless strength of each folowers faith. How drastically different would it all look?


  1. Hi Jen. One thing that helps me with the sword image is as follows: I think (writing from my phone so excuse the spelling) the word for sword is mecairah. This is the same word for the knife that the temple priest would use for a sacrifice. So how does that help? Two ways 1. I am a living sacrifice which is my spiritual act of worship (Romans and 2. The word of God (Jesus - the truth) is sharper than a two edged sword causing division of joint and marrow and soul and spirit. You already know all this stuff. I can't really explain why but these perspectives on the mecariah have helped me with that intense image of Christ with the sword.

  2. Another thought - in 2002 I surrendered my body to a man with a very, very sharp knife. He wounded my abdomen so severely that it took my body 10 months to recover. I still carry scars from the damage he did; however, when I saw him weeks after he assaulted me, I hugged him and literally said to him "thank you for your help. I in many respects feel born again."

    I put great faith in this man. I trusted that by sacrificing quite a bit of flesh he could save my kidney and prolong my life.

    God's goodness and surgical expertise of the heart far exceeds the most skilled surgeon. If anyone holds a knife to execute surgery on my soul, I'm glad its Jesus.
