Sunday, January 16, 2011

Check List

This week I have been constantly reminded how human we truly are and how each one of us is in need of constant reminders of such.

For example, Ephesus, one of the most influential churches in Christianity (home to Mary Jesus mother!) is "buzzing."(p. 55) "All the members are actively involved, all working for the advancement of the kingdom of God." (p. 55) But after all these acknowledgements Jesus makes about the church in Ephesus (I know..."your hard work," "your deeds," your perseverance," "you do not tolerate wicked men," and "you test false prophets") Jesus knows the true, real, juicy, heart and flesh of their souls when he says, "You have lost your first love." (p. 57)

I am moved by this statement in multiple different ways, but right now I am focusing on our human tendencies. I find myself getting so lost in the day, I begin to make lists and I am sorry to say it my time with God gets throw into the list as well. Then as the day progresses I start to ask myself, "have I read my chapter in Romans for the day? Did I journal? Have I written on the blog?" And the check list begins and grows. But this week, this statement that Jesus makes to this busy church, a church that is working as one body to grow the Kingdom but has lost the true love of the relationship, "you have lost your first love." I find myself alongside the members of this church as I fall into the "busy" part of what I perceive in my mind as to what I need to do to grow in Christ. Then I find moments like this, where I am reminded of that child-like faith, that love that draws and beckons me closer no matter what the situation or circumstance is around me.

But I reminded of our human nature. That we are not perfect and as much as I may try and push myself to check of that next box on my silly little list, the only thing I need to try to do is remember that first love I felt when God welcomed me home. I think D. Johnson said it best-REMEMBER, REPENT, AND RE-DO!

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