Sunday, January 9, 2011

He is coming!

Who knew what we were getting into. This book study has rocked me so far!

I was talking with Megan tonight about how this summer I was often reminded how the evil one wants us to forget our experiences and what we learn about the Lord. Keep this statement in mind as you read the next few paragraphs.

The other night I experienced a very neat time of worship where I was almost paralyzed as I sang Glory to God,- lets just say I was saying it in my sleep and it woke me up, but I didn't want to move or to let the moment pass (think of waking up in the middle of an amazing dream!) The coolest part of this "dream" was that I remembered it and was so excited to share and that it was so vivid. This was after reading through Ch. 1 of The Revelation of Jesus Christ a few times and trying to best picture in my minds eye what John was seeing, and what He was showing. VERY COOL!

While I was at a movie tonight there was a preview for a really weird military movie that from the very beginning I recognized that it was going to be scary just by the music and noise they were playing- those who know me know I don't like ANY scary movie. I turned to Megan and said "this looks demonic" and excused myself from the theater for a moment... A bizarre physical reaction to something I saw and DID NOT LIKE. When I came back meg and cassidy asked if I was okay and I said that I, "Felt attacked but am okay, God reminded me of how big He is." Basically called out the evil one and laughed because God is SO much bigger!

All this description to repeat that the evil one wants to rob us of the experiences with God. Evil wants us to stub our little toe and have it hurt like you just broke it on an open dresser drawer, but God says be "aware of that drawer, see it, then walk around, We've got work to do."

Throughout this study watch out for the drawers that are ajar and be careful not to stub your toes. The evil one wants to rob us of our experiences and of what we learn. God says Be aware, recognize and see that I am bigger! Let's be honest, we are reading His Word, why wouldn't the evil one want to stop that or distract us!

In the Preface Johnson tells us to be thinking as we read the Word about 2 questions:
"1. What leaps out at me? 2. What puzzles me?" I am so goofy I made a bookmark that had those 2 questions on it to keep me focused during reading, call it the teacher in me?

The imagery leaps out to me in John's descriptions of what He Saw- I also appreciated that Johnson pointed this out in the first chapter of his book. Vs. 12-16 This image must have been so vivid, so colorful, hurting the eyes with how sharp and clear it was, undeniable, unmistakable, raw.

Pg. 30- "Everything John sees and hears is bracketed by this great fact: Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, is coming. Not 'will come' but 'is coming'. the process is happening at this very moment. Jesus Christ is not sitting on the throne passively anticipating some future date when he gets up and moves toward us. He is moving even now. He is coming." ---- Whammied to the maxX!

"1 John 2:8- the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining!"
Feeling attacked?!?!?!?!?!? remember this, by recognizing it the True light is already shining!

He is coming. A arche Jesus, Ω telos Jesus , 22:20


  1. AND MAN:
    You are so cool.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I was struck by a lot of the same stuff. Really trying to take DJ's words to heart and SEE what John is seeing, not just read about it.
    Also, I love that you included a hyperlink in your blog to a verse that goes with your thought! You ARE the AND MAN!
    Whammied to the maxX!

  2. Thanks Andy. Your post reminded of what I think was originally a Bill Cosby show called "Kids Say the Darndest Things." As I read your post I thought - "the light shines in the darndest (dark) places." As Reid likes to say, "Never stop shining."

