Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 1 Post Liberated from Space and Time to Week 3 :)

Revelation Chapter 1 – Book 13-49.

Passages that stood out for week 1 (some of you have highlighted these as well)

1. “the whole book is written to bring us to the razor-sharp point of decision; whovwill be the Lord of my life and the world” (or my perceptions of the world.) – Page 15.

2. From Eugene Peterson – “Everything in the Revelation can be found in the previous sixty-five books of the bible….I don’t read Revelation to get more information but to revive my imagination.” – Page 21.

3. Paraphrase of page 23 – Revelation = art gallery.

4. DJ on page 24 asks, “where is Jesus in all of this?” I think the answer is – being born. . . .which is a Revelation!

5. “The glorified son of man is in the middle! Not above, looking down. Not outside, looking in. But in the middle. Right there in the middle of the churches!” – Page 42.

Reflection from week 1 - Luke 12:40 - the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

So if I expect him, then he’s not coming. Seems similar to don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Which takes me to the “sheep” nature where the sheep say before Jesus, “wait, when did we clothe the naked, feed the hungry, etc.?” which pushes me to “he must increase and I must decrease” and leaves me cheerfully affirming that the Revelation seems much more like a passionate dance of surrender to salvation than a fulfillment of chronology.... unless of course fulfillment of chronology means Christ invading moment by moment my empty, dead time/space chronos that I call "time" with His fullness.

1 comment:

  1. Your words in the last sentence left me in thought and I wanted to thank you for the way in which you wrote them "Christ invading moment by moment my empty, dead/space chronos that I call "time" with His fullness." Filling us with His fullness, not the empty things we graple at in this broken world surounding us.
