Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Takes My Breath Away

These lyrics to an old hymn of the faith are the adoration of my heart today -"Immortal, Invisible God only wise,IN LIGHT INACCESSIBLE, hid from our eyes,Most Blessed, Most Glorious, the Ancient of Days, Almighty, Victorious, Thy great Name we praise. When old John looked at the Being he turned to see, the face that was like the sun, shining in it's strength (dunamis - power, especially inherent power), I wonder if his mind flashed for a millisecond, before he hit the deck (he falls at His feet as a dead man), to a time on a mountain when Jesus was transfigured before him, Peter and James. "And while He was praying," Luke
writes, "the appearance of His face became different, and His clothing became white and gleaming". (literally, flashing like lightning) Matthew and Mark describe His face shone like the sun, garments white as light and exceedingly white.  This great Being of Light, the great I AM, came in the "fullness of time" to planet Earth to take back His creation and rescue, redeem, and save forevermore those who would look to THE LIGHT and believe and receive. We just celebrated Christmas, the babe in the manger, the lowly babe whose journey was to a cross, and to a grave and to the sky - how we lift His Name on high. We are hard wired for worship so....... Let us worship and bow down Let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker.

Rory - 1/5/11


  1. Your posts reminds me of Philipians 2:5 - "Every knee bowing and tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord." HOLY APOCALYPSE! Thanks Mrs. Delgado.
