Tuesday, January 4, 2011

D on the E

"Everything in the Revelation can be found in the previous sixty-five books of the Bible... The truth of the gospel is already complete, revealed in Jesus Christ. There is nothing new to say on the subject. But there is a new way to say it...

[John] takes truth that has been eroded to platitude (the quality or state of being flat, dull, or trite - thank you, dictionary.com) by endless usage and sets it in motion before us in an animated impassioned dance of ideas."

Yes. Please.

It is this type of D on the E that I crave.


  1. "Truth eroded to platitude" - so true. God's glory is so apparent around us already that we should be coming unglued at every step, but we are so quick to forget.

    It reminds me of something from Urbana last year - the theme for the week was John 1, and in particular the idea of "The Word became flesh and dwelled among us." So there was this huge banner behind the stage that was up at all times that simply said in bold caps "HE DWELLED AMONG US," and I don't think it had ever hit me quite so powerfully until that moment. Whoa. That happened - the God of the universe dwelled HERE. What?! Crazy.

    I'm so grateful that He is so good at helping me to remember, at "setting it in motion before us" again.

  2. "D on the E" by "Q" -- That passage gripped me as well. It put me on the following sequence. 1 - Christ is the Logos (logic, reason, meaning, ideas). 2 - He lives within our praises. 3 - If the Logos lives within our praises. 4 - Then uninhibited, wasteful, impractical, impassioned praise and worship (like being a living sacrifice) is not illogical but. . . . hyper logical. 5 - Conclusion -- Worship is the logic of revelation. It is an "animated, impassioned dance of ideas." It sacrifices calculated expediency for extravagant, freely given love without limit - (See John 12.)
