Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some Reflections on Week 2

I have been so encouraged by this study! It has been a long time since I felt like I have “loved God with all my mind” and if this isn’t loving God with all my mind I don’t know what is! I appreciate how Darrell breaks down all the differing thoughts or opinions on what a passages might mean, and then tells us what he believes to be the most logical or correct thought. One example of this that stuck me is his dialogue on the “To the angle of the church in…” back in chapter 3. As an aside, HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! My prayer has been that God would pull back my blinders that I might just get a glimpse of the things unseen. I am reminded of the books Piercing the Darkness and This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti. Jesus is whether we acknowledge it or not. I should say THANKFULLY Jesus is moving in and among his church whether we acknowledge him or not.

Lindsey and I have been struggling trying to find a church we are excited about and feel we can get involved in. And while I could fill up the blog just with my thoughts on this, I needed to be reminded that Jesus is at work. Our job is to humbly ask how we can work alongside Him in what He is already doing. That, in and of itself, is an idea we can get excited about and involved in! I share this only because it is part of not forgetting our first love. We are called to be a part of a body of believers. Using the bridegroom analogy – When Lindsey and I got married, it wasn’t just Lindsey and I on our wedding day; it was Lindsey and I along with a wedding party and all the wedding guests. The reason we had guests and a wedding party was because there were other people who were involved in our relationship and lives. A relationship without community won’t flourish nor survive. We had to have family and friends that supported us both individually and as a couple. The same goes in our relationship to Christ. Without a body of believers to support, encourage, correct, and challenge us, the relationship won’t flourish or survive.

In my journal I wrote out a list of things that I used to do to “enjoy my first love”. As I looked over it, I noticed that half of the disciplines or practices on that list involved other people. For example, getting up at 5:30 in the morning to go meet friends for a bible study, group worship and prayer nights, mission trips, and serving in the youth group. These are collective efforts that can’t be done individually. I am thankful for a savior that knows the value of being in community and not only recommends it, but demands it. It must be the Trinitarian-relationship in him!

(On a totally different note, I had to comment on how much I love seeing Darrell’s humor in this book! Like when he says, “…some churches ought to request a change of angels” or “And later to Colorado Spings…just kidding!” Classic!)


  1. Travis I love how you talked about your wedding and I was thinking about it the other day how important it is to have a community you know and are involved in staring a common experience. We were created as creatures to be in relationship as God made eve. And so He desires that relationship with us first!

    No- we often don't think of ourselves as worthy! Yes- we are because of His
    Blood that covers! Do it- because He created us to be and he says so!
