Monday, January 17, 2011

It's not going to be easy! Simple? Yes. Easy? NO!

After catching up on the blog this afternoon, many of the ideas I was thinking about blogging (is that a word?) were already spoken for, good work people, it's encouraging to see what others are thinking, and I'm not the feeling the "just me?" :)

I was, as many of you were, struck by chapter 2 of the Word, especially when Jesus writes to the church of Ephesus. Reading it I was reminded about the Trainee program at camp --- SPOILER ALERT--- So often we fall into the doing doing doing... mentality I'm doing all this stuff... look at me... I'm so great, but we often feel so empty and used up. Remembering that doing follows being brings us back to the true heart of Jesus statement Rev 2:4.

I hear Jesus saying... "don't forget this... doing follows being!" Come'on!!!

While at a wedding yesterday the words "don't screw this up" were spoken to the bride from her father (harsh a the time but thinking about it now... as often... good advice). We have this great thing in knowing Jesus, I want so badly not to screw it up. Keep my eyes focused on Him. Jesus says Love me first... all the rest will follow! Doing follows being... be in love with Jesus and my doing shall follow.

A few years ago at Vineyard Church Pastor Mike asked the question if we were human BEINGs or a human DOING? "Keep the main thing the main thing." I was reminded of this question also throughout the reading as well. We are created to be human beings, not just human doings.

In reading Versus 8-11 I was reminded of a strong visual that I maybe heard in church at one time, and became very vibrant this summer. The picture is of a person taking care of silk worms in a box (I remember this from elementary school learning about the life cycle). The person was responsible for feeding the worms with just the right leaves. After a specific amount of time the worms would cocoon and undergo a big transformation for a un-veiling of a beautiful creature.

The Caretaker of the worms feeds them, takes care of them, and looks after them, then he sees them go into a cocoon, then a while later he notices that a few have been un-veiled but still a few are just about to poke their heads out. If the Caretaker aids the new bugs in taking them out of their cocoon it does not allow them to go through the needed stress and struggle to fill their wings with air.

I'm reminded of when Jesus, Predicting his death in John 12:27. If He just came in at any sign of struggle it would not allow us to go through what we need to go through to see the true beauty which He has created us for. Also think of coal becoming a diamond through immense pressure!

I love the quote near the bottom of pg 73 in Johnson's book:
"'I will give you the crown of life... you will not be hurt by the second death.' Those who are born again in Jesus-those who come to life in Jesus- do not die the second death. So E.V. Hill of Los Angeles used to proclaim, ' Those who are born once, die twice; those who are born twice, die once.' I'm into dying just once-{sometimes over and over for the same idols}".

1. Doing follows being.
2. The pressure is so precious (pushes us to new life), it doesn't get easier.
3. Born 1 X = Die 2 X's : Born 2X's = Die 1 X!

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