The idea of blogging overwhelms me... because I can never decide a) what to write about and b) how to add any type of insight into what's already been written, both in the book(s) and on this blog. but DJ's comments have been deepening my understanding of and appreciation for the book of Revelation and it's been sweet!
I loved, LOVED all of chapter 10 - I think I most love that each element is crucial to who Jesus is... without the throne, or without the rainbow, or without the peals of thunder, he just wouldn't be the same. All that Jesus embodies, fulfills and encompasses needs to be addressed in the image we see in heaven... and it is!
"The [throne and lighting/thunder from the throne] imagery tells us that we are, after all, dealing with Someone terribly awesome. The God who calls us into his presence, who calls us to himself, who invites us into tender intimacy is, after all, bigger than the whole universe, more massively powerful than anything we have ever known." (p.135)
"We need [the rainbow] there after seeing what comes from the throne! ...The rainbow declares that we can trust the living One when he judges. His judgments are merciful and his mercy is just. We can dare to dream of a new creation, for the One who promises keeps his promise." (p. 136)
"Before the throne [the sea of] chaos is stilled, chaos is subdued" (p. 137)
Yes. Yes. Yes. My mind and heart just say silent little "Amen's" all the time as I read. Truth. Truth. Truth. Amen. Amen. Amen.
And then the beauty of the worship that takes place around the throne! So good!
"The twenty-four elders and four living creatures know who truly deserves such shouts. And they know why... The twenty-four elders know that they and the emperor owe every beat of their hearts and every breath of their lungs to the Holy One on the throne. No one else is worthy because no one else created us and sustains us." (p. 140)
Amen again!
And I haven't even talked about chapter 11 yet... but that one is incredible too!
Everything is on its head... the slain lamb is the epitome of wisdom and power... the foolish is made wise and the wise foolish... heaven is in the here-and-now... Jesus is on the throne... but he is somehow also the lamb... the language is rich with Trinitarian relationship... I am on my face with the elders and the multitudes... and at the very center of it all is Jesus Christ!
"Jesus Christ, the slaughtered and resurrected Lamb, stands at the very center of creation... Jesus Christ, the slaughtered and resurrected lamb, stands at the very center of redeemed humanity... Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, the root of David, the slaughtered Lamb comes from and stands in the very center of the being of the Almighty God." (p.147)
So naturally...
O Christ, be the center of my life
Be the place I lift my eyes
Be the center of my life
Em, thank for being honest and having the courage to speak the words I struggle with in writing in this blog. I completly agree with you, there is not enough time, or words for that matter, to describe what God is doing through this study and blog process. Thank you for opening up and putting yourselve out there in a volunerable possition.