Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Therefore, to be sealed with the seal of the living God is to have the character of the living God written into our minds and hearts. Tobe sealed with the Lamb is to have the character of the Lamb written into the fabric of our being. On the "forehead" implies that this new character is obvious to on-lookers. People see something different about us. They look at us and, yes, see our brokenness; but they also see the Lamb and his Father. They see something of the goodness and holiness of the Father and something of the sacrificial love of the Savior" (188).

I copied and pasted this quote from Emily's post because as I re-read my notes tonight from last weeks reading, this passage was starred and underlined several times.

DJ connects these great words to Ephesians 1:13, 4:30 and 2 Cor. 1:12. Reading these verses alongside his teaching/perspective was very encouraging.

At the end of the chapter he talks about not running and remaining strong as the kingdoms intersect. He almost sounds like a commander rallying the troops for an ensuing conflict. This fits Rev. 7 theme/imagery.

In the OT taking census numbers, i.e., the 144,000 and purifying (white robes) were very specific routines for preparing for battle. In fact, I believe every count done in the OT was done as a means to prepare for war. What I love about this imagery sprinkled here and there in Rev. 7 is that the battle is a battle of surrendering the weapons of this world - power, control, manipulation, political influence for (I know this is redundant but its still so necessary) self-giving, sacrificial, servant love.

Winning the battle looks a lot more like being martyred in love by an enemy than conquering the enemy through regime change. Christ's eternal signature statement for how to battle is not "death to your enemies" but instead "die, in love, for your enemies."

Christ's model for my life bids me to choose sacrifice. So, instead of crucifying my enemies, I give my enemies the weapons and political power to crucify me and all that I love dearly. My blood stains the ground and somehow by the work of the spirit His blood in my life poured out stains and seals a new harvest of souls for the day of redemption.

I like to use Owen Wilson to paraphrase this model of victory that Christ inspires: "I DON'T KNOW KUNG FU, BUT I KNOW CRAZY."

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