I think of Reid's "I want people to think well of me, but more so I want people to think well of You, Jesus [the You they see sealed on my forehead]."
"The seal of the living God is the Holy Spirit of God! "Seal of God," says John. The "of" implies something that is from God, out of God. That something is the very life of God, his Spirit - who reproduces the name, the character of the Lamb, in us; who reproduces the name, the character of the Father, in us; who protects us from the ultimate consequences of the great tribulation; who enables us to not compromise when the pressure intensifies; who enables us to go through it all and keep the faith." (189).
I have been growing increasingly in love with and thankful for the Holy Spirit in the last 18 months or so... he is SO necessary, and SO worthy of my devotion and following... just like the Father and the Son!
"These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason, they are before the throne of God; and they serve Him day and night in His temple; and He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them. They will hunger no longer, nor thirst anymore; nor will the sun beat down on them, nor any heat; for the Lamb in the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to springs of the water of life; and God will wipe every tear from their eyes."
Washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb... love the contrasting visual! Since when does anything dipped in blood come out any color other than blood red?? It reminds me (forgive the juvenile illustration) of those magic markers I had as a kid... remember them? You'd color with, say, blue... and then you'd take the "clear" magic marker, and all of a sudden the blue became orange! i LOVED it as a kid! Same idea, on a way deeper and spiritual level. No matter the color of my robe, no matter the stains that are left on it by the time I "come out of the great tribulation"... all it takes is one dip in the blood of the Lamb and like "magic" (grace?!), my robe is white as snow!
And the image of the Lamb in the center of the throne being our shepherd... When I first read that on Monday, I literally pictured the Lamb walking out from the Revelation 4 throne and down to Psalm 23 quiet waters that are the spring of life, with the sealed (myself among them) following behind. ...And then it hit me: I am following not just a lamb, but the Lamb who was slain! I am walking through the blood that the Lamb is still dripping as He leads me to the water of life! Oh crap... uh... no thank you, not so much... is that an option? We're already following him... Shoot! (I hear the words of my friend Gob Bluth, "I've made a huge mistake!")
I want to follow the Lamb, but I still really don't want it to be at the cost of my comfort, at the expense of my agenda! How do you think the Lamb gets from the throne to the springs of the water of life? I have only one guess, but I'm pretty sure it probably involves (again) some degree of self-giving, sacrificial, being slaughtered on behalf of the team, servant love (again... and again... and again). Ooof, the cost of discipleship is so high! No thank you! And then, as I drag my feet in this processional out from the throne (which, by the way, I am SO grateful for the brothers and sisters around me, wearing their own white robes, who are willing to take either arm and keep walking forward, despite my deeply dug heels and temper tantrum - I think of Robbie Seay's "We Are Not Alone"), I remember that this path that I don't always (more like ever) want to walk leads to the water of life, to a God who wipes every tear from my eyes, and to unhindered intimacy with the Triune God for eternity... and my muscles get a little less tense and I dig my heels in a little less vigorously.
Sorry, Lord, for so resisting Your way of life... but thank you for sealing me anyway!
Sorry... I have good intentions for short posts, but somehow they always end up so long!
ReplyDeleteEm, your connection of Jesus walking out of the Rev 4 throne and into Psalms 23 quiet waters really stuck me. That we are in fact following the slain lamb, not just the white fuzzy little lamb. The lamb that was made worthy "to open the open the scoll and break the seal because he was slain. Not because he is the Creator, which he is. Not because he is risen, which he is. But because he was slain. He won the victory when he was slain." (156) The visiual of walking through the blood the lamb is still dripping as he leads us to the water of life...YES! Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteThanks Em. I can hear Jesus in your post saying to me tight now, "yeah, it is hard sometimes but LOOK WHERE WE'RE GOING!
ReplyDeleteAnother thought - I think when Jesus And the disciples walked across the Kidron valley at Passover just before Calvary they literally walked trough a river of lamb's blood that drained from the temple.
Please don't ever apologize for long posts when everything you have to say is so insightful and spirit-led!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love the magic marker analogy. So true, and so awesome!
I "like" Pearl's post about the magic marker comment. I also read that part and was SHOCKED that DJ didn't write more about the blood's significance. Maybe this is because he figured it was SO "T.A.N.A.T.S" that he could write on other stuff, (or maybe I just don't recall reading more about it).
ReplyDeleteI googled how to remove a blood stain from clothing, and it is this intense process of procedures... and ultimately there is no sure fire way of getting rid of any blood, or reminisce of it. I think even with BLEACH the blood is not fully ever removed and the Garment's integrity is damaged! This imagery is so... "T.A.N.A.T.S." I LOVED it!
And the fact that you refer to the color change markers is hysterical! So cool! How do they do it?!? lol!
Thanks for your thoughts em!