Saturday, February 5, 2011

My son is about to have a brain scan. He has been writhing in pain all morning. He is pleading for me to help. Christ is in the center. Thanks for your posts. They have been an encouragement. Thanks for your prayers for Kyle and the doctors.


  1. Your family is being lifted up immediately and continuously, keep us updated.

  2. Golden bowls of incense being lifted up by your brother to the One in the control center. Christ's peace be with you, Kyle, the Manns and the doctors.

  3. From my family too Steve! We are praying!

  4. I just heard from Reid that Kyle is fine. Don't know any of the story but I thought I'd post so everyone knows!

  5. Tests came back negative. Yes!!! I will post more when I have a minute. Very unique parenting moment. Thanks for sharing the journey with us.

  6. Wow. Having discovered all of this after the fact, I am rejoicing that the throne in the center of the universe is OCCUPIED! Lifting up praises as we speak, Steve.
