Monday, February 7, 2011

Off Topic - Recap of Saturday Morning Post About Kyle

Thanks again for your prayers. Here’s what went down Saturday morning. Kyle woke up normal on Saturday morning. After being awake for about 20 minutes he began to complain about pain inside his head about three inches up from the bottom of his skull on the left side. The pain became worse and eventually became crippling. Kyle typically is tough. He’s sustained bruises, lacerations, and big knots on his head with little complaint in his brief athletic career. Driving to the hospital with him in such pain, tears down his face, screaming "make it stop," "please, help me," and in fear, "what's happening to me?" was, as you might expect, surreal. The pain didn’t subside and after evaluation the ER doctor said he’d have a scan of his brain and blood work drawn. As I sat in the room waiting for the stretcher to be wheeled to radiology I pondered who should I call, email, or text? My only thought at that moment was – the Revelation study folks. In a moment of great weakness and grief I felt great comfort that Christ’s heart would carry the day through your prayers and words of encouragement regardless of the circumstances. Fortunately the circumstances are that Kyle physically is fine – he suffered Saturday morning from a strained muscle which manifested itself somehow in his head instead of his neck. Putting circumstances aside, the greater lesson of the day is that Christ’s heart in you truly is a wellspring of life for those with whom you are willing to share it. I thank Jesus for you and the incredible life and heart he is fashioning through you. In a time of grief and weakness God directed me to many of you for comfort, encouragement, and hope. Thanks again for your compassion and encouragement. In Him, Steve


  1. So glad to hear he's okay Steve! Your family's response to the situation reminds me of Romand 5:3-5

    "3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."

    We rejoice in our suffering because it brings glory to the name of Yahweh and brings us to a deeper submission to him. We realize we are not in control of our circumstances, but we we know the one who is.

    Again, however, I'm very happy to hear he's alright!

  2. Steve, thanks so much for the update. Praise YHWH.

  3. Thanks Steve. Glad to hear things are well. thanks for sharing your heart and compassion for Christ with us.
