Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things are not as they seem

Things are not as they seem. This is the one statement that has continued to pry at me as each chapter goes on. I am continually reminded of how true this statement is with each day. The little lies that creep in, the choices made that seem totally "normal", the thoughts that go across my mind that don't seem like a big deal, but with each one I am drawn further away from Christ, his truth and his kingdom here on earth. We are so blinded.

In chapter 15 DJ talks about the phrase "those who dwell on the earth " refers to those who 'are at home in the present world order (of power and violence), people of earthbound vision, trusting in earthly security, unable to look beyond the things that are seen and temporal."

I get to stuck on what seems to be of importance, rather than God himself. I realize that I am too comfortable in this world as it is. The seal on my forehead does not stand out, it blends in too much with all this other stuff around us.

Things are not as they seem...Dear Lord help me to see them as you do, through your eyes, and through your truth. Let the seal on my forehead reflect your truth, and not the world's distorted version of it.

1 comment:

  1. kelly! good to see you on the blog! thanks for your insight... it's so true - the lies creep in so slowly, the choices are made so easily, and the "no big deal" thoughts always manage to escalate. so discouraging, and yet so encouraging that we are sealed just the same. i echo your prayer at the end!
