Sunday, April 24, 2011

Throwback: The Letters to the Churches

You know, this morning at Easter service, our pastor said these words about the Resurrection:

---God did not give up on Jesus. (Context: Jesus was handed over to, but not given up to death, because he DEFEATED it)
---God will not give up on you.
---So why should you give up?

Simple....and yet I believe it describes the common thread among all of the things Paul wrote to the churches about, because that's all what it really comes down to. Jesus has already we'd be fools not to accept the peace and victory he offers through that open door!

God gave us the beautiful gift today, friends. May we always see we never have a reason to be afraid or lose heart....Jesus has the keys! May we continue letting him in so we can rejoice with him not just today, but always.

Happy Easter....he is risen!

PS: These last four months, I had been going through a dark night of the soul, as I mentioned in some previous posts. This weekend, I felt the first of the effects of his unseen work within me...I feel like my ability to have intimacy with God is slowly starting to seep back in. All praise to him for carrying me through this and many other things these last few days!

1 comment:

  1. Ben, Thanks for the great news that you are enjoying intimacy with God in a special way right now. Blessings.
