Friday, April 22, 2011

Romanced by Jesus, the Bridegroom, from the Cross

Part of the theme of the last 3 1/2 months of my life has been this idea of Jesus romancing me. I don't say that as a girl who is single who needs to know that someone loves her like a man should... but I just mean I can't think of another way to describe it. Charlie Hall sings, "And I know less about you / But my heart loves you so much more" and that's truly been the case in these last few months. I can't "get" it, I can't wrap my brain around Jesus and all that his love, words, and actions encompass, but all I know is that my heart feels romanced by the depth and intimacy of all that he is.

So, naturally, I ate up chapter 24 of DOTE (and Rev 19, obviously, but the two go hand-in-hand). What incredible imagery of engagement! I've never been walked through the ins and outs of first century marriage, but in the course of reading, I found myself completely swept off my feet. The idea that a woman was literally "bought with a price", and that the deal was sealed by drinking a cup of wine, over which a betrothal benediction was pronounced: "this cup is a new covenant" is so rich in light of scripture! And the marriage starts in that instant. It doesn't start at the party or even at the consummation of the marriage in physical intimacy... It starts the second the price has been paid and the cup has been consumed. From that moment on, any sideways look the woman gives another man is ultimately adultery. Even though she hasn't donned a dress or been intimate with her new husband, the covenant is still just as binding. And then, eventually, the bridegroom returns "like a thief in the night". And oh, the little girl in me can only imagine the excitement, the butterflies, and then the wave of serious anticipation for all that will follow. The hype, the celebration, finally being one with her husband... what joy!

Emily, I love you. I have come, I have sought you out, I have hand chosen YOU to be my bride. Yes, I know you weren't expecting me to show up at the well looking for a bride. Yes, I know you would have cleaned up first if you'd had the chance. Yes, I deliberately chose to come when you were in your filthy rags, because it will always serve of a reminder of the truth that my love is not a response to anything "worth" loving in you... it's merely an expression of who I am and what I'm about.

And Emily, you are mine. The bride price has been paid - in my death on the cross - and the cup of the covenant has been consumed. You are mine, and I beg you as the Man who loves you passionately, remain faithful to me while I go to prepare a room in my Father's house for us. I promise I'll return. but don't try to figure out when, because I know you better than that, and my intention is to surprise you! Be watching and waiting for me, just as the watchman waits for morning. And when I come, the richness of all that this covenant between us is will finally and fully be experienced. Forever.

Communion that night was especially sweet. The price was paid in the Christ's death - the breaking of the bread - and then the covenant was sealed through Christ's drinking the cup of God's wrath which resulted in his blood shed - the drinking of the cup - and in that moment, communion with Christ is sweet and relationship with the Father is whole and restored!

(Side note: I've also never known that Ps 115-118 were the hymns referred to in the synoptic Gospels after the Lord's Supper... Since it's Good Friday, I would highly recommend reading them after taking communion, if you get the chance. My mind was blown in trying to picture Jesus singing those words after having just shared one last supper with his closest friends and as he anticipated what was about to go down in the next several hours...)

And I know less about you, but my heart loves you so much more!

1 comment:

  1. Em, what a wonderful journey to have gone brings me joy knowing that you are at this point:) It has been such a privilege getting to run with you and hear about this and to now see it here!
