Saturday, April 23, 2011

Magnetic North or True North?

Happy Easter! He has risen and is risen!

Ch. 23:
"It is clear that Revelation is posing the discipleship question in the city: Toward which city is your city oriented? is ti oriented towards the 'great city' or towards the 'Holy City?' And towards which city is your discipleship oriented? Is it oriented towards the harlot or towards the bride?"
I wrote in the column next to this paragraph "Where does your heart point?" Is it pointing to Jesus at the Holy City or toward the harlot? This question drives quite a bit of my thinking as I live in this world. Why am I doing what I am doing? Where does my heart point? It belongs to Him, so it should be pointed toward Him, it is His to begin with. When I am obedient to His City, the Holy City, I find depth in what I do. Am I serving because this brings glory to me? Do I choose what and who "I" want to serve or do I serve everyone? I'm not sure if this was the intention of the paragraph Johnson wrote on page 294, but that is where my mind went.

Andy... Toward which city is your city oriented? Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Ch. 24:
The chapter was, for lack of better words, AWESOME! I was talking with my mom and explained to her that nothing in this book is amazing in and of itself, it is just the fact that it (the Word) is being conveyed in a way that gives a rich background and history to the text. It is like an enhancer! I love it...
All the stuff about the Bridegroom and being Engaged to Him is so DEEP, and so tender! The big house with many rooms- not a new idea to me but in terms of the engagement, so incredible! AHH! (312) "'Here is the bridegroom! Come out. Come out to meet him' ( Matthew 25:6). Then, with great joy, the bridge, veiled and accompanied by her maidens, who were carrying lamps, would come out and join the groom and his attendants. Then the wedding feast itself would begin!"

Father may you continue to cement this into my heart! May I cling to you, May I anxiously await your arrival (You have arrived!) (now but not yet, TANATS!)

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