This started out as a response to Steve's post below, but got fleshed out into it's own post pretty quickly. I think I might be about to take the scroll = sweet/bitter metaphor a bit too far, but here we go. (Also, I'm just going to preface this by saying that I'm sitting in Peet's right now with a cup of Sumatra.)
Maybe the scroll (and by extension, the gospel) is kind of like coffee. There's no denying that it's a really intense and bold flavor, and the first time you try it, it might be pretty overwhelming. If you try to down an espresso shot right off the bat, you might not be able to stomach it. Likewise, if Abba convicted us with all the depth of our sin at once, how could we stomach it? We would be overwhelmed with the bitterness and intensity of our failures.
So He's gentle with us, and maybe we force down a caramel frappachino first. It's a lot sweeter, but the bitterness of that one little espresso shot is still powerful, and it's all we can handle. We keep coming back for more because the bitterness of this conviction from our Father does have a certain sweetness to it, and we start to go deeper and deeper over time.
And by His grace, we're drinking pure black coffee before long! He enables us and empowers us (with the help of a little caffeine addiction) to stomach more and more of His Word. It's still bitter and it's still intense - don't get me wrong - but we're downing it because it's also so sweet.
How sweet are Your words to my taste,
Sweeter than honey to my mouth!
-Psalm 119:103
When Your words came, I ate them;
They were my joy and my heart's delight,
For I bear Your name,
O LORD, God Almighty.
-Jeremiah 15:16
Drink the cup, friends. :]
Pearl i LOVE this! Not just because of the coffee reference... or even because the caramel frapuccino was the gateway drug for me in my own journey toward "hot black and often"... but because you really nailed it with the analogy! It is bitter, and it might even taste TOO bitter sometimes... but then you come back and what was TOO bitter before is still bitter, but has the hint of sweet. The hint of drawing me gently to my knees, sweetly broken and wholly surrendered.
ReplyDeleteI really love this Pearl! Great analogy. The Word and the truth is so bold in flavor....but rich as well. And like most of us know, coffee can be addicting and we need it to function throughout our day. So it is with the Word as well; it becomes addicting the more we read it and we often realize we need it to survive throughout the day. This is a huge reminder of how much I need to depend on the Word each day...much like I depend on my cup of joe. lol, really truly love this!
ReplyDeleteI'm also reminded of the caffeine aspect, when you've been drinking it for a while... then stop drinking it... you get a headache! Then you are reminded that you NEED it! lol or just really want it! hahaha! Love it pearl! Drink the Trenta! HOT BLACK AND OFTEN! preferably an Americano :)
ReplyDeleteI will drink to that. (SBUX home brewed Italian Roast)