Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Hall - "Come For Me"

I had the chance to hear Charlie Hall lead worship at Biola on Sunday night, and it was a really sweet night of worship for me. It was a super intimate setting, with just a couple hundred people and just him on acoustic with his drummer. He opened with the song "Come For Me." As I look back on it now, it doesn't seem quite as chock-full of Revelation imagery, but I'm going to share it anyway! I had never heard this song before and as I stood listening to him open the night with it, I was totally swept away. Click here to hear the song, and lyrics appear on the screen as well.

Looking forward to the day when "finally the voice I have followed for life has a glorious face that is lit up with light" and I'm "lost and consumed with my glorious King"...


  1. Em
    Beautiful description.....I can't wait. I'm really longing for that day. This song is really honestly where I feel my heart is right now. I desire the intimacy of being face to face with a person I've known for so long, but have only experienced the closeness of his heart and voice . I long to know him I am fully known.

    It is as Paul says, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corn. 13:12).

  2. I love it Q, thanks for sharing the experience and song. So cool that He had you worshipping through song down there while we were at the Hillsong concert up north.

    What Stef posted triggered another song. It's Anchor of My Soul by Telecast. The opening verse goes as follows:

    Oh Lord I've come
    Come before your throne
    Just as I'm known
    I long to know you
    More and more
    I hear your knock oh Lord
    I'll open this door
    Just to be by you

    Loving the study. Loving how the reality of Christ's coming defines the reality all around us, leading to sweet posts like this.
