Everything John sees and hears is bracketed by this great fact: Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, is coming. Not "will come" but "is coming." The process is happening at this very moment. Jesus Christ is not sitting on the throne passively anticipating some future date when he gets up and moves toward us. He is moving even now. HE IS COMING! This blog is participating in that coming. Come Lord Jesus Come...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
God Given Power and the Numbers Six Six Six
Monday, March 28, 2011
Some Thoughts...
Hello Friends,
The past few months of this study have been so special to me. I love reading all of your thoughts and learning from the things that you are learning, and continuing to grow in fellowship with you all despite being miles apart. That being said, I am terrible at posting my own thoughts out of an unwillingness to be vulnerable with you all, and I am hoping that I can call on each of you to continue to hold me accountable to blogging, to sharing my thoughts and learning to be vulnerable so that God can continue to work in my heart as I engage with the text and share my thoughts with this “cyber small group.”
Lately God and I have been on this journey of self-revelation, looking at the condition of my heart and peeling back the blackened and calloused bits so that He can fully invade every aspect of my being. This has been just a little scary (not a little, a lot) as this process of journeying to a deeper level of intimacy with Christ progresses…I’m not the best with growing with people, let alone the Creator of the universe who already know every aspect of my black heart, and loves me despite that fact. One thing that has been jumping out to me through the pages of D on the E and the book of Revelation itself is that fact that we are marked people. We are either marked with the blood of the lamb or the beast. I’m finding that I long not just to be marked with the blood of the lamb, but to be bathed in it, fully consumed and wrapped up in it, and I fear that people wont see that as I go about my day.
I was comforted however by the words the Darrell (yeah, we’re on a first name basis now) shared a few chapters back. He writes, “People see something different about us. They look at us and yes, see our brokenness, but they also see the lamb and his Father. They see something about the goodness and holiness of the father and something of the sacrificial love of the savior,” (p. 188). Wow. These words jumped off the page for me in that as I interact with people, the Lord is allowing them to see that I am, in fact marked. It has nothing to do with me and my character, but everything to do with Christ and his character working in me and through me. Christ, may the words of my mouth and thoughts in my mind and the condition of my heart reflect you. May my life be one that is worthy of Your calling and Your gospel. May I not lean on my own strength and wisdom, but may I be seen as foolish to the world so that I be relying on Your wisdom and not my own.
On the same page Darrell writes, “To have the name written on oneself is to have a ‘character’ or personality, imprinted into one’s being.” Reading through chapter 20 last night I came across this quotation, which opened my eyes once again to the fact that my life is really not my own. “…name is a way of saying character. In the first century if you knew a person’s name, you knew their ‘character.’ The mark of Jesus Christ is that character of Jesus Christ sealed on us and in us by the Holy Spirit whom he sends to live on us and in us.”
Mind. Blown. Everything that is “me,” my identity, character, name, is not even “me,” but rather the mark of Christ sealed in me by the Holy Spirit who has been sent to live in me. I am not even me, but rather a walking representation of Christ’s name and character. My prayer is this, that I (we) would continue to live out life as marked people, marked with the blood of the lamb, and not my (our) identity in anything other than the lamb Himself; may I (we) not be ashamed of that mark, and may I (we) walk around expecting to be targeted, and be willing to share what that target is, the glorious and hope filled gospel of Christ our King!
Know that I am praying for each and everyone of you!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dad, Can I go outside?
From DOTE “Outside is the place of salvation. “Outside is where salvation happened and is experienced.” Page 264.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Learning How to Die
I have been thinking a lot about becoming nothing and giving myself away in everything I do (Diffintely I haven't mastered this yet, but I've had a couple trial runs). What has been revolutionary for me is that "giving yourself away" and "becoming nothing' in our service to others, is not always found within joyful and pleasent circumstances. Sometimes they are found to be in places of perscution, anger, disrespect, and brokenness. I can attempt to become nothing in service of joyful people, but it becomes difficult in service to disrespectful and harsh people. Regardless, I am called to die and love them the same. When people act out in anger, disrespect, and persecution toward me; I'm called to become nothing and give myself away to them. This is where it has been difficult for my pride, but also where Christ's power is boldly displayed. For it is in those hard situations of being the Lamb, where we represent Christ best. In fact isn't that what Christ has done for us?
I think of the night where Christ was in the garden praying, hours until the harsh stages of his crucifixion took place. He asked for "this cup" to be taken from him...he was feeling the beginning heart aches of what it means to die for the sins of the world. But He prayed out to God, "Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matthew 26:36-46). And every moment since then Christ continually let go, became nothing, and poured himself out. It wasn't just one time...it was continually. With every moment of hardship he continually made the decision to become nothing. Every time a pharisees insulted him, every blow to his flesh, every whip of the cat o' nine tails, every step up the hill, every pound of the cross's weight on his shoulders, every hammer of a nail, every moment of laughter and ridicule, every minute that past on the cross....he surrendered, said nothing in his defense, became nothing, and continually gave himself away. Can you just get a glimpse of the power, might, and majesty in that?
And in the same way, He is calling us to do the same....ouch! It is at this realization where the pain, heart ache and tears well-up inside of me.
This summer's Barnabas team are currently going through this Sonshine Devotional and today's message hit me square between the eyes.
"II Corinthians 4:11 -"For we who are alive are always being given over to death of Jesus' sake, so that his life may be revealed in our mortal body." Death is the most vivid and thorough metaphor for complete abandonment and isolation. To be dead is to be completely detached. Christ's message and example brought a living hope to death for Christ showed that when you die His death of sacrificial love for others, your detachment actually becomes absolute communion with life. If you want to witness to dark, lonely hearts like Jesus you must die. On the cross, Christ's final exhale unleashed a chain of unprecedented events. The physical surrender of his mortal body created a spectacular, cosmic spiritual upheaval. Christ invites you to share in the immense, high stakes journey of his mission. He wants to shake the heavens through your death."
Lastly, I leave you with this song by Jon Foreman called "Learning How to Die". It is a great depiction of this inner turmoil about fighting to survive and live, but realizing all along Christ has been teaching us to die.
How to bend not how to break
How to live not how to cry
But really I've been learning how to die".
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
"The war in heaven is won through an event on earth, through the birth of the child on earth. The war is won through the life of a child. Through preaching, teacing, healing ministry of a child. The war is won through the ascension of the child to the throne." DJ. pp 223This fact is far more powerful! The War has been won! The war is won Each day as we are about His kingdom, that is here, sharing His love. T.A.N.A.T.S.! We have no credentials, of this world. We have no metals, of this world. We have the Love of the Lord in our hearts and He DWELLS in us, He paid for us!

Monday, March 21, 2011
The Eternal Enthronement of Christ
Last week I had the privilege of worshiping God while watching the sunrise every day. It rained 5 of the 6 days. That did not matter. We would show up and it would be dark. We would leave and it was light out.
Psalm 18:28 "You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."
Our God is faithful. He is completely complete. Nothing is lacking, our cups overflow. The dark places turn to light.
DJ says it all goes back to worship. Obviously, he means right worship - that is, worshiping the Living God, our God enthroned on the throne of all creation. In this past week I have though a lot about repentance. A heart of repentance leads to right worship. We no longer hide and suffer in the darkness when we repent and worship the One who is Worthy. Rather, we turn to the light. This Johannine language is synonymous with the vine and the branches (which should bear fruit). Both the Vine and the Light nourish our situations - however fruitless or dark. It's all going back to repentance and right worship, for this is when fruit is born and light overwhelms darkness.
Sometimes I doubt this power. I doubt His ability fill me up and sustain me. I let my miniature perceptions of what I think God can do take over.
This, too, was revealed to me through sunrise worship. Every morning I needed to wake up at 6:30am in order to get to the meeting spot on time. For the last 10 weeks I have struggle mightily with getting out of bed. Every day I would get up at the last possible minute, or just sleep until lunch time. None of this was enjoyable or controllable, it seemed. Interestingly, when the situation was soaked in prayer, I had no problems getting up.
Furthermore, for this past week, I woke on time each day at 630am. Now, I did not find this to be super strange, since when I snowboard I tend to sleep similarly since I am nervous about not waking up. On the last day, I realized some of the power of what was going on. I set my alarm and went to sleep. In the morning I woke up thinking I had overslept because I checked my phone for the time and my phone had lost battery. Unbelievably, I had woken up without an alarm on the 6th straight day of 630am wake ups. On top of all of that, I was fully awake all of the days and never needed to nap, which is unheard of for me, if I wake up that early (especially 6 days in a row, and without anything to do since it's spring break).
This all got me to start thinking about God's faithfulness and some of the reality of His work. Here are some statistics of the mornings based on my calculations:
5 out of 6 mornings it was cloudy as light filled the day.
1 out of 6 mornings the sun rose in the clear morning sky.
That's a 16.67% Sunrise Success Rate (SSR)
This is what I perceived. Yet, the sun rose every day! God was 6 for 6 on this one (100%). Clouds veiled my perception of what was really going on. The same thing happens in my view of God's power, and thus his enthronement. I do not notice my veiled perceptions and that I'm the one who is not seeing clearly, as opposed to God being the one who is not enthroned or powerful.
DJ helped me out with this one. Today is not March 21, 2011 anno Domini. It is not the 2011 year of our Lord. That's a veiled perception. Every year is the year of our Lord, who is enthroned for all eternity.
In light [ :-) ] of this, I am thankful for three things:
1) There has never been a vacancy on the throne of creation
2) Seated on the throne is the powerful Lord of creation, who is faithful to His word
3) The sun rises 100% of the time all the time. Test it. It'll come through every single time!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Spotless but not blameless
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Evil mimics the true God, which is partly why evil can deceive.
The only way is the way of the Lamb. The Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. The way of the Lamb is the secret behind the universe. In the end there is no other way to go!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Dragon vs. Myself
DJ's discussion of this topic really started me thinking about my own walk with God. Can I honestly say to the face of Jesus Christ that I have lived my everyday life with the active and feverish yearning to spread the word of God? Am I driven by the fact that time my on earth is so short that I must run and scream and do anything in my power given by my Lord to bring his glory on earth? Do I feel the same way about my faith in the victory of Christ as the devil does? We both know. We know what happened. Why Jesus died and rose again. We both know that the victory has been won, but are we living it out? The image of the dragon in Rev. 12 confirms his side. How frightening to see the dragon being a better "student of the gospel than the church [myself]"(225) and see him eagerly get as much dirty work [but work none the less] done as possible before Jesus returns! (224)
And yet where is most of my time spent? Where has my vision been blurred and distracted in my 21 years here on this planet blessed with the breath of life on God's beautiful creation? I'm going to continue off of Reid's thoughts, I have been lost in game's of the dragon. Especially game 1. How much of my time and energy do I find myself wearing the guilt from diabolos? Fighting to find worth through my own sin. How easy it is to let the dragon slip in and whisper words of total destruction into our ears!
But...the victory has already been won! WON! No if, ands, or buts about it! Nothing I have done or you have done or they have done will ever change that!
And now we overcome by:
1. the blood of the lamb!
2. the power of the truth!
3. and not being afraid to lose our lives!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done is coming and is being done
Doesn't the Scripture tell us we are in the world, but not of it. America, the place of my birth and
the place on Planet Earth I have been blessed to grow up and old in, is, inspite of the secular humanistic inroads espoused by the elitist, the media, Hollywood and the public education establishment, unions and the pantheon of gods many American's worship, America still has a
remnant of true worshippers, who hold the entire nation before God's throne, interceding greatly
for a return to righteousness. Scripture says, Righteous exalts a nation, sin is a reproach to any people. I guess what I'm trying to say is, we, who believe and say we follow Jesus, really like being safe and secure from all disturbances.
Modern historians have said that the greatest miracle of Valley Forge was that the army held together. Despite the lack of food and total absence of pay, despite the illness which was taking more than a dozen lives a day, despite the utter hopelessness of their situation, the men stayed.
And one smuggled the following in to the Philadelphia paper: "Our attention is now drawn to one point: the enemy grows weaker every day, and we are growing stronger. Our work is almost done, and with the blessing of heaven, and the valor of our worthy General, we shall soon drive these plunderers out of our country!" Wow, was that faith talking in our early days or had that guy lost it altogether. I say FAITH.
The rejected are becoming the cornerstones in North Korea, the greatest persecutors of Christians in the world today, yet the church of Jesus survives. They all have horrific stories to tell, but they want to evangelize their homeland nonetheless. Pray for them. We, someday, will all rejoice together.
There are just a few very teeny Christian bookstores in Egypt. When Muslims come in looking for Bibles because they wouldn't dare enter a church to get one, they do so very secretively,
hoping no one saw them. An Egyptian Christian woman who runs a small bookstore had been
beaten by three Muslim men so badly that the side of her head turned black. Then they dragged her to the police station where the police raped her and beat her somemore. When Tom White of Voice of the Martyrs asked her why she came back to work, she replied, "They almost
killed me. So I decided that since I survived, God wanted me to come back and continue."
In the last 3 years, VOM has smuggled 50,000 Bibles into the hands of Egyptians.
Pray for the Muslims who turn to Jesus, it is a sure thing that they are in grave danger from their own families as well as the Muslim community. Pray they remain faithful to the end.
Darrell writes in the chapter, The Cosmic Battle, "The suffering of the church in the world is not a sign of Satan's victory. It is a sign of his realization of defeat.
I remember many years ago hearing a Pastor in San Jose jokingly say to his congregation,
"I know I have the pie in the sky in the great by and by, but I want the steak on the plate
while I wait." Oh, really!! This kind of talk coming from a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ,
along with the name it and claim it, and wealth and propersity messages that have come from
many a pulpit in America, don't jive with what our brothers and sisters are experiencing in
N. Korea, Indonesia, China, Russia, Afganistan, Uzbekistan, Tzajekistan, and a lot of other stans,
the Middle Eastern Muslim controlled nations, Africa, Myanmar, Burma and places I don't even
know of. Things are changing here in America, but here, it's more the enemies power of deception at work.
The suffering is not a sign of Satan's victory, it's a sign of the realization of his defeat. Even though the war has been won, the enemy will not surrender, (remember Pearl's story of the
snake with only the body still wiggling, it still looks like it can hurt you, but it's been decapitated,
it's just a matter of time.
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb (that awesome Lamb who was the only One worthy to
open the seals on the scroll) and the word of our testimony (12:11) The counter to deception is
truth. Practice the presence of Truth in our lives daily. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life,
no man, none of us humans can get to the Father but by Him. Practice being Truth Tellers.
Amen, brothers and sisters - To Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond anything
we ask or think, to Him be all honor and glory forever and ever.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Like Lightning
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Foreigner's 1982 - 'Head Games"
Why then does this intimidation work if it is the truth?
I believe, because we are so far down the rabbit hole of game 1 (accusations) and game 2 (Playing games with the truth) that game 3 (The truth about death and suffering) wars against "Our truth" from game 2. We have perverted God's truth (Game 2) so badly that when we are confronted by His truth we war against it with our perverted truth (See health and wealth doctrine in western church).
The only counter to words of deceit is words of truth, particularly, the truth about Jesus.
If we counter all three dragon games with the truth about Jesus....Jesus wins every time....He always does!
"WIT - NAY - ZEE - UM" - Rev 11
Revelation 11 is like a "witnessasim" Phonetically - wit-nay-zee-um.
I'm left saying, "seriously God? You would allow me to be a part of your body. Your message. Your witness? Your legacy? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!"
I'm sure Isaiah is wrapped in this thing somewhere. Actually, He has to be because every witness/prophet (thanks 1 Peter) is inspired by the spirit of Christ in them. I mention Isaiah because as I read chapter 11 I communed with Isaiah's confession - “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips." When I read Revelation 11 I cry "woe. I am ruined. For I am a man of unclean lips."
In response to my confession God speaks through His word,
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
And freakier than any of the puzzling imagery of Revelation is this crazy proclamation!
(This is from Ephesians 1) I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Clothed in Sackcloth
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Coffee - bitter, but oh, so sweet.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Week 8 - Preaching and Puking - Gospel Num Nums
For me, here's how Christ message FEELS when I humbly surrender to it ---
The better I preach.
So let's have scrolls for every meal!